Friday, July 1, 2011

21st Annual City Garden Contest (we were JUDGES!)

On Saturday, we had the pleasure of being shuttled around the city by Greater Newark Conservancy as judges for their 21st Annual City Garden Contest. (North Newark Urban Garden's very own Mike entered his own garden into the contest, wish him luck!!) There are over 10 categories to choose from and you are able to enter into a maximum of 3 of those categories. Our judging category for the day was for the Best Combination Flower/Vegetable Garden.

We met up at Greater Newark Conservancy a little after 9 a.m. and headed out and about in their van to start the day full of judging. With clipboard in hand and jotting down the points of each garden while, we were all quite impressed and proud of our fellow neighbors and their gardens. You can see all of their hard work and creativity they put into beautifying our city. One of participants was a 13 year old boy! It was definitely inspiring as new community gardeners but more as born and raised Newarkers.

The next round of judging will take place in the beginning of August. We will be reporting back during that time!