Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Babies for the Garden?

Can you find me?
I woke up this past weekend morning to a beautiful thing, the seedlings have hatched, bloomed, SPROUTED!! The green banana peppers, cayenne peppers and cucumbers have been welcomed into the world. Yes, the babies are born. I’m so excited and feel connected to them. In order to not risk the seedlings I had to transplant them into flower pots. If this isn’t the time, I don’t know what is. I rushed out to buy garden soil, which I got on sale after nicely telling the cashier that the price on the sign should be honored regardless of what is ringing up. Wow those bags are heavy (not good for a person with lower back pain). Next grabbed my window garden box and a few other flower pots that I had and started the filling of soil and planting. I have to admit, this was very relaxing which I needed after all different types of stress that I been undergoing. Well, they are doing well and I’m a proud mommy of the veggies! I can’t wait to share with others and eat them.

Aren't they cute!?!

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