Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am contacting you today on behalf of North Newark Urban Garden. North Newark Urban Garden is a city-owned lot that we adopted directly through the city of Newark, NJ. The garden is geared towards providing the inner-city community with fresh fruit and vegetables, while beautifying the neighborhood. We are a committed to build a group to improving the appearance of our neighborhood and creating a bond with our neighbors, and teaching children the importance of where food comes from.

We are very excited about the implementation of the garden and providing the neighborhood with a healthy community. I am contacting you to inquire if YOU would be interested in donating a service towards the program. We would like to make more space for the garden, by getting rid of some of the dead trees on the property, purchasing more boxes, dirt, and pavers. We would like some help in the removal of the trees, clean up, setting up the garden, and ensuring a successful 2012!

We are also documenting our efforts and progress of the garden by film and online media sites, on our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. YOU would be included as a sponsor of the program.

I hope that you have an interest in the program and look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email

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