Sunday, May 6, 2012

A workout!

For me it was definite therapeutic and a workout to work at the garden today.  If you have depression, and/or lack vitamin "D", this is a great opportunity to naturally fight those emotions and boost your immunity! 

There were 4 bags of refuse, and 2 garbage bags picked up from the garden at 3rd Ave and Garside.  The last volunteer was Hilda, who came with a box and a broom, and brushed up a lot of the dirt that was on the sidewalk after some of the weeds were pulled by another volunteer, whose name I didn't get.  Maybe he will be around again, probably since he stated he lives in the neighborhood. Next cleanup plans are definitely Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm.  Than the next time will be Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  This is of course, if it is not raining. On the 15th of May, I hope to be able to move all the dead trees and leaves from the property for PICK UP by the city on the 16th of May.  Each day, more and more will be done.  One step at a time, and I can see the garden happen this year! THANK YOU!  

If you want more information, please write to

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