Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Juggle it All with Leanne Chesser's course

So many online entrepreneurs struggle with all the stuff they have to do with blogging and social media. It’s crazy! How the heck do you stay on top of it all, get organized and get more efficient so you’re more productive and not pulling your hair out every time you have to come up with post ideas and get it all done?
Wouldn’t you love some blogging and social media tools to save you time?
Have you ever experienced the social media time suck? You know what that is . . . when you sit down to just do one thing on Facebook and you resurface three hours later wondering what the heck happened.
Have you ever wondered what to write on your blog or for your social media posts . . . and spend way too much time figuring it out? Have you ever given up posting because you just can’t think of anything or because it’s just too much?
Have you ever wondered what to do with blogging and social media in the first place?
It’s overwhelming, isn’t it?
Well, there’s a solution for you. Check out Leanne Chesser‘s course all about how to be more productive online and get rid of that overwhelm and confusion once and for all.
It’s a 4-week program full of awesome content, cool and helpful cheat sheets and checklists and a Facebook group for extra help and support.
There are some pretty cool bonuses too.
And it’s on sale right now for a WAY low introductory price, but only until September 30.
If you’ve ever felt pulled in a bazillion directions . . .
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with so much to do . . .
Or if you’ve ever felt like you have no clue what to do . . .
This is for you.
Check it out here and let me know what you think in the comments! What’s your greatest struggle with blogging and social media and if you could have any blogging and social media tools that you want, what would your dream tool be?
Feel free to use this post or write your own. But make sure to link to the course at http://www.juggleitallonline.com, link to me at http://www.juggleitall.com and comment here that you wrote a post so I don’t miss it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

and yet, Another garden!


Adopt a Lot at 11th Avenue

Monclova Health Coach went to visit,  yet, another garden... I was impressed that this was all done under the last year.   
The person who started this garden, was enthused and thrilled to be able to share a cucumber, basil, and tomatoes.  When she gave me the cucumber, I said, I'm going to make a raw dish.  Everyone asked, like what do you mean by a raw dish... I said, I'm going to take a picture of it and share it.  The raw food movement has been around for a long time, I learned about it after becoming a vegan over seven years ago.  I love eating cooked food but there is something about raw food that makes me feel excited and happy, that energizes me and gives me new ideas and creations!  Who wants to be able to learn how to create food that is SUPER simple to eat, and make, and doesn't had inches to your waist, but adds health and vitality to your bones and muscles?   Take a walk with me on Saturday, September 15th, visit my events page at Monclova Health Coach, www.facebook.com/monclovahealth and send me a message for more details. 

Vegan Raw dish, Cucumber Pasta with Pesto

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Perspective and Continued Commitment

This summer has been a difficult summer trying to build Monclova Health Coach and North Newark Urban Garden.

I never planned to execute North Newark Urban Garden on my own, and I didn't start this by myself.  It began over 12 months ago with a twitter conversation, where I commited myself to start a community garden.  I am still here, and I'm ready once again to recruit and enroll others who are willing to still work with me in the North Newark Urban Garden.  There is an URGENT need to have fresh food,  natural food, and to be able to sustain ourselves in this economy. 

The garden to me was a way to show the world that we can cultivate fresh food, and we don't need to continously go to the supermarket.  Food grows easily with very little effort, why are we struggling in 9 to 5 jobs where we feel disatisfied promoting someone else's agenda, and we are still broke. 

We are in a boat to pharmaceutical land, looking for magic pills, and getting sicker and sicker.  Our kids today need to learn where they food comes from, and how to really have a good QUALITY life.  The garden for me is a place where I can use as an education tool, not just for the community, but for myself. 

There in lies the biggest challenge.  I have NO CLUE how to grow food, how to mix petemoss with dirt, how to make beds, how to maintain a compost, but I have to pull thru with this.  I know how to prepare it, and how to EAT it! As I love to eat,  and I eat for FUN. 

My relationship with food has changed over the years, we need more than food to survive, but better quality relationships, hugs, a good job, and continued growth and evolvement. 

If you want to be part of this experience please feel free to send me a message at newarkurbangarden@gmail.com and let me know your thoughts!