Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Perspective and Continued Commitment

This summer has been a difficult summer trying to build Monclova Health Coach and North Newark Urban Garden.

I never planned to execute North Newark Urban Garden on my own, and I didn't start this by myself.  It began over 12 months ago with a twitter conversation, where I commited myself to start a community garden.  I am still here, and I'm ready once again to recruit and enroll others who are willing to still work with me in the North Newark Urban Garden.  There is an URGENT need to have fresh food,  natural food, and to be able to sustain ourselves in this economy. 

The garden to me was a way to show the world that we can cultivate fresh food, and we don't need to continously go to the supermarket.  Food grows easily with very little effort, why are we struggling in 9 to 5 jobs where we feel disatisfied promoting someone else's agenda, and we are still broke. 

We are in a boat to pharmaceutical land, looking for magic pills, and getting sicker and sicker.  Our kids today need to learn where they food comes from, and how to really have a good QUALITY life.  The garden for me is a place where I can use as an education tool, not just for the community, but for myself. 

There in lies the biggest challenge.  I have NO CLUE how to grow food, how to mix petemoss with dirt, how to make beds, how to maintain a compost, but I have to pull thru with this.  I know how to prepare it, and how to EAT it! As I love to eat,  and I eat for FUN. 

My relationship with food has changed over the years, we need more than food to survive, but better quality relationships, hugs, a good job, and continued growth and evolvement. 

If you want to be part of this experience please feel free to send me a message at newarkurbangarden@gmail.com and let me know your thoughts!  

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